03 Mar

There is nothing like a well-balanced meal - greens, proteins, root veggies, healthy fats... this one can be call "low carb" as there are no grains nor potatoes. If you like a dressing, I suggest a simple tahini dressing.

STEP BY STEP (for 2-4)

1. Use an electric slicer or slice the veggies thinly with a big knife -  about 2 parsnips and 1 beetroot.

2. Massage them with some olive oil, salt and pepper, then bake at 180-200°C for about 15min or until slightly golden. Remove from the oven.

3. Rinse a can of chickpeas, spread them on the baking tray and massage them with a drizzle of olive oil and some smoked paprika powder. Bake for 5 min.

4. Meanwhile, remove the kale leaves from about 3 stems, massage them with olive oil, smoked paprika and salt, then mix it with the chickpeas. Turn of the oven and leave the tray for 10min so that the kale can "melt" a bit. You can, of course, eat it raw instead with some lemon juice.

5. Put everything together in a bowl, serve with avocado and a dressing, chopped cilantro if you like it.

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